“Just like a box of crayons that contains a variety of different colors, this will contain a variety of thoughts... this is my crayoned thoughts! :)” That used to be my blog description, with a smile. But someone is keeping his colored thoughts busy today. When he read about the description, he didn’t like it. It’s too mushy-wordy with just the same rephrased phrase. And he didn’t like the word “that” in there too. “It’s a blocker”, he said (duh!). “I can reconstruct it in simple terms!” – “Let’s see”, I said. So I challenged him to reconstruct it. I told him it’s just not about having it simplified. It’d have to be as colorful as I’ve envisioned this blog to be. And now (tadaaa!), he pasted this on my chat box, “a box of crayons of different hues, as colorful and diverse as our thoughts... this is my crayoned thoughts! :)”. Hmm, not bad… hahaha! And still with a smile! :D Yeah, I admit. It’s much… nicer… He is colorful… :)
A box of crayons of different hues, as colorful and diverse as our thoughts. Welcome to my crayoned thoughts! :)