This is fun. Two of my close friends, Y and M, and I are having this daily chat. Recently, M pops a miss-universe-like-question to us just to stir up our minds. And I enjoyed every bit of it because I just love that type of conversations.
And here’s M’s miss-U-question yesterday… “If You Could Do One Thing For Free For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would It Be?” Good question, right?
And without a second, I already have my miss-U-answer in thoughts. “To be of service to the less fortunate people, to educate, to give home and care, ALL for free for the rest of my life”. Bang! But that sounds heavy and dramatic. And I have this tendency to stay away from those. Though, hearing the same answer from Y and M did not sound heavy and dramatic at all. Anyway, so I gave a different answer. Trying to be witty, I exclaimed, “free hugs!” and did a good laugh.
But then as we talked, I realized that I did like my "free hugs" answer. Conceited much? Hehe. I like it because it’s simple, less complicated, and easy to give without me having (or somebody else giving me) the wealth of the world. And it’s actually one of the basic steps of my then miss-U-answer-in-thoughts above, right?
Yes, if I will do one thing for free for the rest of life, I will definitely give hugs to every person I will meet. Then Y asked me, “To everyone? Anyone? No exemption?” I undoubtedly said, "Yes!" And it hit me… yeah, what about persons who have some contagious diseases. Uhmm, now that’s complicated.
But if given this tremendous act of showing kindness, will God spare me the complications and consequences, just like Mother Theresa who hugged people with leprosy? Hehehe.
Free hugs, anyone?? :))
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